Using a WattsUpMeter

ctree includes support for a WattsUp? Pro meter. For more information on this device see watts up meters

ctree supports the device directly with in it’s autotuning. Programmatic access to the device is included in the ctree.metrics package.

The device is finicky, it is sometimes useful to talk to the device directly through an interactive shell in order to confirm it is working

Using the interactive shell

From the command line:

ctree --wattsupmeter

or in the cast that the shell cannot guess the device name:

ctree --wattsupmeter -p /dev/[name of usb device]

or directly (assuming you are in the ctree directory) via:

python ctree/metrics/ -i

The interpreter has a simple list of commands that can be listed via the help command. Direct commands and their response can be typed in at the prompt: See watts up meter API.

Usually the following commands are all it takes to see what’s going on:


The interpreter uses gnu getline so the standard arrow key magic is available.

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