Source code for ctree.c.codegen

Code generator for C constructs.

from ctree.codegen import CodeGenVisitor
from ctree.c.nodes import Op
from ctree.types import codegen_type
from ctree.precedence import UnaryOp, BinaryOp, TernaryOp, Cast
from ctree.precedence import get_precedence, is_left_associative

[docs]class CCodeGen(CodeGenVisitor): """ Manages generation of C code. """ def _requires_parentheses(self, parent, node): """ Returns node as a string, optionally with parentheses around it if needed to enforce precendence rules. """ if isinstance(node, (UnaryOp, BinaryOp, TernaryOp)) and\ isinstance(parent, (UnaryOp, BinaryOp, TernaryOp, Cast)): prec = get_precedence(node) parent_prec = get_precedence(parent) is_not_last_child = isinstance(parent, UnaryOp) or\ isinstance(parent, Cast) or\ (isinstance(parent, BinaryOp) and node is parent.left) or\ (isinstance(parent, TernaryOp) and node is not parent.elze) assoc_left = is_left_associative(parent) if (prec < parent_prec) or \ (prec == parent_prec and (assoc_left is not is_not_last_child)): return True return False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # visitor methods
[docs] def visit_FunctionDecl(self, node): params = ", ".join(map(str, node.params)) s = "" if node.kernel: s += "__kernel " if node.static: s += "static " if node.inline: s += "inline " s += "%s %s(%s)" % (codegen_type(node.return_type),, params) if node.defn: s += " %s" % self._genblock(node.defn) return s
[docs] def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): op = self._parenthesize(node, node.op) arg = self._parenthesize(node, node.arg) if isinstance(node.op, (Op.PostInc, Op.PostDec)): return "%s %s" % (arg, op) else: return "%s %s" % (op, arg)
[docs] def visit_BinaryOp(self, node): left = self._parenthesize(node, node.left) right = self._parenthesize(node, node.right) if isinstance(node.op, Op.ArrayRef): return "%s[%s]" % (left, right) else: return "%s %s %s" % (left, node.op, right)
[docs] def visit_AugAssign(self, node): return "%s %s= %s" % (, node.op, node.value)
[docs] def visit_TernaryOp(self, node): cond = self._parenthesize(node, node.cond) then = self._parenthesize(node, node.then) elze = self._parenthesize(node, node.elze) return "%s ? %s : %s" % (cond, then, elze)
[docs] def visit_Cast(self, node): value = self._parenthesize(node, node.value) return "(%s) %s" % (codegen_type(node.type), value)
[docs] def visit_Constant(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, str): return "'%s'" % node.value[0] else: return str(node.value)
[docs] def visit_SymbolRef(self, node): s = "" if node._global: s += "__global " if node._local: s += "__local " if node._const: s += "const " if node.type is not None: s += "%s " % codegen_type(node.type) return "%s%s" % (s,
[docs] def visit_Block(self, node): return self._genblock(node.body)
[docs] def visit_Return(self, node): if node.value: return "return %s" % node.value else: return "return"
[docs] def visit_If(self, node): then = self._genblock(node.then) if node.elze: elze = self._genblock(node.elze) return "if (%s) %s else %s" % (node.cond, then, elze) else: return "if (%s) %s" % (node.cond, then)
[docs] def visit_While(self, node): body = self._genblock(node.body) return "while (%s) %s" % (node.cond, body)
[docs] def visit_DoWhile(self, node): body = self._genblock(node.body) return "do %s while (%s)" % (body, node.cond)
[docs] def visit_For(self, node): body = self._genblock(node.body) return "for (%s; %s; %s) %s" % (node.init, node.test, node.incr, body)
[docs] def visit_FunctionCall(self, node): args = ", ".join(map(str, node.args)) return "%s(%s)" % (node.func, args)
[docs] def visit_String(self, node): return '"%s"' % '" "'.join(node.values)
[docs] def visit_CFile(self, node): stmts = self._genblock(node.body, insert_curly_brackets=False, increase_indent=False) return '// <file: %s>%s' % (node.get_filename(), stmts)
[docs] def visit_ArrayDef(self, node): body = ", ".join(map(str, node.body)) return "%s[%s] = { %s }" % (, node.size, body)